Select Paths by Stroke Cap and Corner Join
Script for Adobe Illustrator
The Select Paths by Stroke Cap and Corner Join script for Adobe Illustrator allows users to quickly select paths based on their stroke cap and corner join styles. This script is particularly useful for designers and illustrators who need to ensure consistent stroke settings across multiple paths in a complex design.
- Place the script in your Illustrator Scripts folder:
MacOS: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator <Version>/Presets/<Language>/Scripts
Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <Version>\Presets\<Language>\Scripts
- Restart Adobe Illustrator to load the script into the File > Scripts menu.
- Go to File > Scripts > Select Paths by Stroke Cap and Corner Join to launch the script.
Using the Script
- Once the script is executed, a dialog window will appear with various options:

➊ Stroke Cap Selection
The Stroke Cap determines how the stroke ends at open path segments in Adobe Illustrator. It controls the appearance of line endings, affecting the visual flow and style of your artwork.

Select the stroke cap type that you want to filter:
1.1 Any Cap
- Selects all paths regardless of their stroke cap type.
- Useful when you only care about stroke join types and not the stroke endings.

1.2 Butt Cap
- Creates a flat end at the endpoint of the stroke.
- The stroke stops exactly at the path’s end without extending.

1.3 Round Cap
- Extends the stroke beyond the path endpoint and rounds it off.
- Results in smooth, circular ends.

1.4 Projecting Cap
- Similar to butt cap, but extends the stroke slightly beyond the endpoint.
- Creates a square extension beyond the path’s endpoint.

Tip: Click the icon representing the stroke cap type you want to filter. The corresponding radio button will be selected automatically.
➋ Stroke Corner Join Selection
The Stroke Corner Join determines how Illustrator renders the corners where two stroke segments meet. It controls the appearance of stroke junctions, affecting sharpness, smoothness, and continuity.
Select the stroke corner join type that you want to filter:

2.1 Any Join
- Selects all paths regardless of their stroke join type.
- Useful when focusing on stroke caps without considering corner styles.

2.2 Miter Join
- Creates a sharp, pointed corner where strokes meet.
- The outer edges extend until they meet at an angle.
- If the angle is too acute, Illustrator may limit the extension to prevent overly long spikes (controlled by the miter limit).

2.3 Round Join
- Rounds off the corners where two strokes meet.
- Creates a smooth, curved transition instead of a sharp point.

2.4 Bevel Join
- Cuts off the corner where strokes meet at an angle.
- Instead of forming a point (miter join) or rounding (round join), Illustrator flattens the corner by chopping it off.
- Creates a flat diagonal edge at the junction.

Tip: Click the respective icon to select a join type.
➌ Selection Scope
The Selection Scope (Where to Search:) determines where the script will search for paths based on the chosen stroke cap and corner join settings. Instead of applying the selection to the entire document, you can narrow down the search to specific areas.

The script provides four options for defining where it should look for matching paths:
Active Document
- Searches through all paths in the entire document (regardless of layers, artboards, or selections).
- This is the broadest search option, ensuring that every matching path in the file is selected.
Active Selection
- Searches only within currently selected objects.
- If no objects are selected before running the script, it will show an alert message.
Active Artboard
- Searches for paths only within the currently active artboard.
- Ignores objects outside of the visible area of the active artboard.
Active Layer
- Searches only within the currently active layer.
- Ignores paths located in other layers, even if they match the stroke cap or join settings.
➍ Execute the Selection
The OK button in the Select Paths by Stroke Cap and Corner Join script serves as the execution trigger for selecting paths based on the user’s chosen criteria. Once clicked, the script processes the selection and highlights paths that match the specified stroke cap and corner join types within the defined selection scope.
When the user clicks OK, the script performs the following actions in sequence:
- Determines the selected Stroke Cap (Butt, Round, Projecting, or Any).
- Determines the selected Stroke Join (Miter, Round, Bevel, or Any).
- Checks where to search based on the selected Selection Scope (Active Document, Selection, Artboard, or Layer).
- The script scans all paths in the selected scope.
- It compares each path’s stroke cap and join type with the user’s selected options.
- If a path matches, it is added to the selection.
- If a large number of paths exist, the script displays the progress bar to show real-time progress.
After processing, the script displays a confirmation message indicating:
- The number of paths selected.
- The selected stroke cap and join criteria.
- The search scope used.
- The script then automatically centers and zooms into the selection so users can immediately see the results.

➎ Additional Features
🅰 Select All Paths Without Stroke
This feature allows users to instantly select all paths that do not have a stroke in the active document.

- Click the 'No Stroke' icon button in the script menu.
- The script scans the entire document for paths that does not have a stroke
- It selects all matching paths and displays a confirmation message.
🅱 Cancel Button
- Clicking Cancel immediately closes the dialog box.
- No selections or modifications will be applied.
🅲 Open Help Guide
- Click the ⏼ Icon in the bottom right of the dialog window.
- The script opens an online User Guide for the script, providing instructions and additional information.
☻ Conclusion
The Select Paths by Stroke Cap and Corner Join is a powerful tool for managing stroke attributes in Adobe Illustrator, allowing users to quickly select paths based on stroke cap and corner join settings.
With an intuitive UI, custom selection scopes, and additional features like 'Select All Paths Without Stroke', it streamlines workflow efficiency for designers and illustrators.