Select Paths by Points Range
Script for Adobe Illustrator
The Select Paths by Points Range script for Adobe Illustrator enables users to efficiently select path objects based on their anchor point count. This tool is particularly useful for designers and illustrators who need to refine their selections by filtering paths with a specific number of points.

Key Features
Select Paths by Point Count:
- Choose paths that fall within a specified minimum and maximum anchor point range.
- Helps identify and isolate complex or simple paths for editing.
Multiple Selection Scopes:
- Select paths from different areas of your document:
- Active Document, Active Selection, Active Layer, or Active Artboard.
User-Friendly UI:
- Intuitive dialog window with easy-to-use controls.
- Sliders & Input Fields for precise point selection.
- 'Save Settings' option retains user preferences between sessions.
- Progress Bar displays script execution progress.
- Place the script in your Illustrator Scripts folder:
MacOS: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator <Version>/Presets/<Language>/Scripts
Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <Version>\Presets\<Language>\Scripts
- Restart Adobe Illustrator to load the script into the File > Scripts menu.
- Open your document and go to File > Scripts > Select Paths by Points Range to launch the script.
- When the script runs, a dialog box appears with the following components:

➊ Set Selection Scope
The 'Select all path in:' menu in the Select Paths by Points Range script allows users to define where the script should look for paths to select. This ensures that selections are precise and limited to the desired area of the document.

Selection scope options include:
1. Active Document
- Searches the entire document for paths matching the point count criteria.
- Useful when you want to select all matching paths regardless of layers or selections.
2. Active Selection
- Restricts the search to only the objects you have manually selected before running the script.
- Ideal when working with specific elements in a complex design.
3. Active Layer
- Searches only within the currently active layer in Illustrator.
- Ignores paths in other layers, making it useful for layer-based selections.
4. Active Artboard
- Limits the selection to paths within the currently active artboard.
- Great for projects with multiple artboards, ensuring selections stay localized.
➋ Define Point Range
The Select Paths by Points Range script allows users to filter and select paths based on the number of anchor points they contain. This feature is useful for identifying complex or simple paths in a document, ensuring precise selection and editing.
Where to Find It?
In the script’s dialog window, look for the section labeled “With number of points:”. This section contains input fields and sliders for setting the minimum and maximum number of anchor points a path must have to be selected.

2.1 Minimum Points
- Determines the lowest number of anchor points a path must have to be selected.
- Paths with fewer anchor points than this value will be ignored.
- Useful for filtering out very simple paths or straight lines.
2.2 Maximum Points
- Determines the highest number of anchor points a path can have to be selected.
- Paths with more anchor points than this value will be ignored.
- Useful for avoiding the selection of highly complex shapes.
Set the Minimum and Maximum values:
- Using the Sliders: Drag the Min and Max sliders to adjust the values dynamically.
- Manually Entering Values: Click inside the Min or Max input field and type the desired number.
- Fine-Tuning with Keyboard Shortcuts: Use the Up and Down arrow keys to increase or descrease values.
➌ Save Settings
The 'Save Settings' checkbox in the Select Paths by Points Range script allows users to retain their selection preferences for future use. When enabled, the script remembers the previously used values, eliminating the need to reconfigure settings each time the script is run.
When the checkbox is enabled:
- The script saves the following settings: minimum and maximum points value and selection scope.
- The next time the script is run, it will automatically load these saved values.
- Useful for repeated workflows that require the same selection criteria.
➍ Execute the Selection
OK Button
- Function: Executes the selection process based on the chosen settings.
- Usage: Click OK after setting the selection scope and point range.
- The script processes paths based on the entered values.
- A confirmation message displays the number of selected paths.

Cancel Button
- Function: Closes the dialog window without applying any changes.
- Note: The script does not save settings if Cancel is clicked.
➎ Additional Features
Open User Guide
- Function: Opens the script’s official user guide in a web browser.
- Location: Bottom-right of the dialog window, represented by a small ⏼ icon.
The Select Paths by Points Range script is designed to improve workflow efficiency in Adobe Illustrator by enabling precise path filtering based on anchor point count. Its user-friendly interface and customizable settings make it a valuable tool for designers and illustrators.
Whether you’re managing complex vector files, refining selections, or automating repetitive tasks, this script provides a reliable and efficient solution.