Select by Layer Order
Script for Adobe Illustrator
Select by Layer Order is a powerful Adobe Illustrator script designed to simplify the process of selecting objects based on their layer hierarchy. Users can easily choose a layer and perform advanced selection actions, such as selecting all items on the chosen layer, or items across all layers above or below it. This tool is ideal for managing intricate artwork with multiple layers, making it an essential utility for professional and efficient design workflows.
Install and Run the Script
- Place the script file in your Adobe Illustrator scripts folder:
MacOS: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator <Version>/Presets/<Language>/Scripts
Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <Version>\Presets\<Language>\Scripts
- Restart Adobe Illustrator to load the script into the File > Scripts menu.
- Open your document and go to File > Scripts > Select by Layer Order to launch the script.
- The Select by Layer Order dialog window will appear.
Understanding the Interface
➊ Select a Layer
➋ Choose an Operation
➌ Include or Exclude Layer Contents
➍ Execute Selection
➎ Additional Features
➊ Select a Layer
The Layer List is a central component of the Select by Layer Order script, designed to provide users with a comprehensive overview and control of the document’s layer stack.
Here’s a detailed breakdown of its functionality:
1. Layer Information Display:
- The list displays all layers in the document, sorted in the same order as Illustrator’s Layer panel.
- The script automatically pre-selects the active layer in the list when launched.
- Each layer is represented with the following details:
1.1 Index: A numeric identifier indicating the layer’s position in the stack, starting from 1 at the bottom-most layer.
1.2 Layer Name: The name of the layer, allowing users to identify it easily.
1.3 Item Count: The total number of objects on the layer, including those nested in groups or sublayers.
1.4 Status Indicators:
⚿ icon if the layer is locked
⬭ icon if the layer is hidden.
2. Layer Selection:
- Single Click: Click on a layer to highlight it and perform actions using the dropdown menu or buttons.
- Double-Click: Double-clicking a layer selects and visually locates all its objects in your document.
ⓘ Tip: The list integrates with the Search Bar above, allowing users to quickly locate specific layers by filtering the list based on the layer name.
➋ Choose an Operation
The Dropdown Menu in the Select by Layer Order script provides several selection options based on the position of the chosen layer in the layer stack. It allows users to select objects on the current layer, layers above, or layers below, offering a straightforward way to manage complex layer arrangements in Adobe Illustrator.
Use the dropdown menu to pick a selection operation based on the layer order.
1. Select All Layers Above:
- Selects all objects on layers that are positioned above the currently selected layer in the stack.
- Useful for isolating and working with higher-priority elements in the artwork.
2. Select All Layers Below:
- Selects all objects on layers that are positioned below the currently selected layer in the stack.
- Ideal for focusing on foundational elements of the design, such as backgrounds or base layers.
3. Select Only Items Within Chosen Layer:
- Restricts the selection to objects exclusively on the currently selected layer.
- Does not include any objects from layers above or below. Useful for targeted edits or adjustments to a specific layer.
4. Select All Items Excluding Chosen Layer:
- Selects all objects from layers above and below the currently selected layer, while excluding the objects on the chosen layer itself.
- Perfect for making bulk edits without affecting the objects on a particular layer.
➌ Include or Exclude Layer Contents
The ‘Include Selected Layer Contents’ checkbox determines whether the objects on the currently selected layer are included when performing multi-layer selection actions. This provides users with control over how the script handles the selected layer during actions like selecting items on layers above or below.
1. Checked:
- When the checkbox is checked, the objects on the selected layer are included in the selection along with objects from layers above or below, based on the chosen dropdown action.
2. Unchecked:
- When the checkbox is unchecked, the objects on the selected layer are excluded from the selection. Only objects from layers above or below are selected, depending on the dropdown action.
ⓘ Note: The checkbox is disabled for dropdown options that only involve the selected layer directly, such as 'Select Only Items Within Chosen Layer' or 'Select All Items Excluding Chosen Layer.'
➍ Execute Selection
The “Select” button executes the selection operation based on the settings chosen in the script interface. It processes the selected layer, dropdown menu option, and checkbox state to determine which objects in the document should be selected.
The objects meeting the specified criteria are selected in the document, ready for further editing or manipulation.
➎ Additional Features
The Select by Layer Order script includes several additional features to enhance layer management and improve workflow efficiency.
🅰 Resizable Window
- The script’s dialog box is resizable, allowing users to view long layer lists in larger documents.
🅱 Search Bar
- The search bar provides a quick and efficient way to filter layers by name in the Layer List.
- Type a keyword into the search bar, and the list dynamically updates to display only layers whose names contain the keyword.
- Сase-insensitive matching ensures flexibility in searches and simplifies locating specific layers in documents with complex or numerous layer structures.
🅲 Optional Functions
These optional tools streamline layer management with quick, one-click actions:
1. Delete Empty Layers
- Functionality: Removes all layers that do not contain any objects.
- Benefit: Keeps the document organized and removes unnecessary clutter.
2. Make All Hidden Layers Visible
- Functionality: Reveals all hidden layers in the document.
- Benefit: Ensures that all content is visible for selection, review or editing.
3. Unlock All Locked Layers
- Functionality: Unlocks all layers in the document, including nested sublayers.
- Benefit: Grants access to locked content, eliminating manual layers unlocking.
🅳 Close Button
Exits the script’s dialog box without performing any selection actions.
The Select by Layer Order script is a powerful tool for managing and selecting objects in Adobe Illustrator based on their layer hierarchy. Its intuitive interface and versatile features make it an essential asset for streamlining workflows in complex projects.
Whether you’re organizing layers, selecting objects with precision, or optimizing your document, this script provides the control and flexibility you need to work efficiently.
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