Panels Manager
Script for Adobe Illustrator
The Panels Manager script is a powerful yet simple tool for Adobe Illustrator, designed to help users manage and toggle panels more efficiently. With its intuitive and compact user interface, users can quickly search, view, or hide commonly used Illustrator panels. The dynamic search functionality and interactive list make panel navigation seamless, saving valuable time during creative projects and optimizing the workspace.
- Place the script in your Illustrator Scripts folder:
MacOS: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator <Version>/Presets/<Language>/Scripts
Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <Version>\Presets\<Language>\Scripts
- Restart Adobe Illustrator to load the script into the File > Scripts menu.
- Open your document and go to File > Scripts > Panels Manager to launch the script.
- A floating panel titled 'Panels Manager' will appear.

Interact with the Panel
➊ Search Bar
The Search Bar in the Panels Manager script is a key feature designed to help users quickly find and filter the panels they need. Here’s what it does:
- As you type in the search bar, the list of panels in the listbox is filtered in real-time.
- Only panels that match the entered text (based on their names) remain visible, making it easier to locate specific options.
- The search bar is not case-sensitive, so typing “gradient,” “Gradient,” or “GRADIENT” will yield the same results.
- To Search: Start typing the name of a panel (e.g., “Gradient”) in the search bar.
- To Clear the Search: Delete the entered text to return to the full list of panels.

➋ Select Panels
The list of panels acts as the heart of the Panels Manager, bridging the gap between Illustrator’s functionality and a user-friendly control center. Here’s what it does:
Displays Available Panels:
- The list shows all the panels included in the Window menu, such as “Layers,” “Gradient,” “Swatches,” and more.
- Each item in the list represents a specific Illustrator panel, accompanied by an icon and a descriptive name.
Interactive Selection:
- Users can click on a panel name to select it from the list.
- Double-clicking on a panel immediately toggles its visibility in Illustrator.
Panel Activation:
- The list dynamically updates based on the search bar input, showing only panels that match the search query.
- The script executes the appropriate Illustrator menu command for the selected panel when it is activated or when the '⏯' button is clicked.
Interacting with the List of Panels:
Single Click:
Highlight a panel without activating it. This allows users to confirm their choice before toggling it. -
Double-Click (or Press Enter):
Instantly show or hide the selected panel. -
Select and Click the '⏯' Button:
Use the ⏯ button to toggle the selected panel’s visibility.
➌ Toggle Panels
The ⏯ Button in the Panels Manager script is a key interactive element that works in conjunction with the list of panels. Here’s a detailed explanation of what it does:
Toggles Panel Visibility:
- When you select a panel from the list and click the ⏯ Button, the script executes the corresponding Illustrator command for that panel.
- This command either: Opens the panel if it is currently hidden or hides the panel if it is already open.
ⓘ Tip: Pressing Enter on the keyboard performs the same action as clicking the OK Button, ensuring quicker workflows for keyboard users.
How to Use the OK Button:
- Select a panel from the list (manually or via the search bar).
- Click the ⏯ Button to toggle the visibility of the selected panel.
- Alternatively, double-click the panel in the list or press Enter for the same functionality.
☻ Additional Features
The Panels Manager script includes several additional features designed to enhance user experience and streamline workflow.
🅰 Close Button
- Users can click this button (or press Esc) to quickly close the dialog without needing additional actions.
- The script also allows the dialog window to be resized horizontally and vertically.
🅱 Open User Guide
- A dedicated icon ⏼ in the footer provides access to a user guide and more design resources.
Take control of your Illustrator workspace and streamline your workflow today with Panels Manager!