Multi-Layer Selector
Script for Adobe Illustrator
The Multi-Layer Selector script for Adobe Illustrator simplifies layer management by allowing users to quickly search, sort, and select multiple layers while displaying object counts and layer properties. It also includes one-click options to unlock, reveal, and remove empty layers, streamlining workflow in complex projects. With an intuitive interface and real-time filtering, this tool enhances efficiency and precision in multi-layered Illustrator documents.
- Place the script in your Illustrator Scripts folder:
MacOS: /Applications/Adobe Illustrator <Version>/Presets/<Language>/Scripts
Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator <Version>\Presets\<Language>\Scripts
- Restart Adobe Illustrator to load the script into the File > Scripts menu.
- Go to File > Scripts > Multi-Layer Selector to launch the script.
Using the Script
Once executed, a dialog window will appear, displaying all the layers in your document.

➊ Searching for Layers
The Search... field in the Multi-Layer Selector script provides dynamic, real-time filtering of layers based on their names, making it effortless to locate specific layers in complex Illustrator documents.
Real-Time Filtering:
As you type, the layer list updates instantly, narrowing down results to match your input.
Case-Insensitive Search:
Ignores uppercase/lowercase differences. For example, searching "logo" will match layers named "LOGO", "Logo", or "logo".
Partial Matches:
Displays layers containing the typed characters anywhere in their names.
➋ Sorting Layers
The 'Sort layers by:' dropdown menu organizes layers in the Multi-Layer Selector list based on two criteria, streamlining navigation in documents with many layers. Here’s a breakdown of its functionality:

Stacking Order
- Lists layers in the order of Illustrator’s native Layers panel.
- Bottommost layer in Illustrator’s layers stack appears at the bottom of the script’s list.
- Ideal for editing layers based on their visual stacking hierarchy in the document.
Alphabetical Order
- Lists layers on the alphabetical order (A-Z).
- Helps quickly locate layers without manually reorganizing the Illustrator Layers panel.
- Reduces time spent hunting for layers in poorly structured documents.
Best Practices
- Sort by stacking order to match Illustrator's Layers panel.
- Sort alphabetically when looking for specific layer names.
➌ Layer List Overview
The layer list in the Multi-Layer Selector script provides a comprehensive, interactive overview of all layers in your Illustrator document, designed for quick navigation and management. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its features:

- 3.1 Layer Index: Shows layer stacking order numbers (top layer starts at highest number)
- 3.2 Layer Name: Shows the exact name of the layer as it appears in Illustrator.
- 3.3 Layer Items: Shows total count of all objects within each layer (including sublayer contents).
- 3.4 Layer Status: Uses icons to indicate layer states: ⚿ for locked layers and ⬭ for hidden layers.
- Hold Ctrl/Cmd to select non-consecutive layers or Shift for a range.
- Select multiple layers and click "Select" to highlight all their objects for bulk modifications.
- Double-click a layer name to instantly select all its items (even if the "Select" button isn’t clicked).
- Tip: The layer currently active in Illustrator’s Layers panel is auto-selected in the list.
➍ Selecting Objects in Layers
The Select button is the primary action in the Multi-Layer Selector script, enabling bulk selection of objects across multiple layers. Here’s how it works:
- Select one or more layers in the list.
- Click the "Select" button.
- All objects in chosen layers become selected.
- The script shows a summary of selected items.
- The script zooms the view to fit the selected objects, ensuring they’re visible.

Additional Notes:
- Objects in hidden layers won't be selected
- Objects in locked layers won't be selected
- Selection includes all nested objects in sublayers
➎ Additional Features
🅰 Resizable Dialog Window
- The dialog window can be freely resized by dragging its edges or corners.
- Accommodate long layer names or large layer lists without truncation.
🅱 Managing Layers
Three toolbar icons provide quick access to common layer tasks:
1. Delete Empty Layers
- Functionality: Removes all layers that do not contain any objects.
- Benefit: Keeps the document organized and removes unnecessary clutter.

2. Make All Layers Visible
- Functionality: Reveals all hidden layers in the document.
- Benefit: Ensures that all content is visible for selection, review or editing.

3. Unlock All Layers
- Functionality: Unlocks all layers in the document, including nested sublayers.
- Benefit: Grants access to locked content, eliminating manual layers unlocking.

🅲 Close Button
- Closes the dialog without making any selections.
- Keyboard shortcut: Esc key.
🅳 Open User Guide
- User Guide icon ⏼ located in bottom right corner.
- Opens the online user guide in default web browser
☻ Final Thoughts
The Multi-Layer Selector script transforms complex layer management in Adobe Illustrator into a streamlined, intuitive process. With tools for bulk selection, dynamic filtering, and instant layer cleanup, it eliminates tedious manual workflows and empowers designers to focus on creativity.
Whether you’re refining UI designs, organizing illustrations, or auditing complex files, this script ensures precision and efficiency at every click.